Red Lights Special – Alternate photo filters
this is my red lights special. These pics I shot on Christmas 🙂 Was sitting with my family around the table in the living room.
We had a red tablecloth with some golden metallic stars on it. An empty whiskey (I think..) bottle stood on it. So I took my camera and hold it behind the bottle. The bottle was my special kind of photo filter. 😉 With this you can experiment a lot and the results can be impressive. Just vary the distance to the glass. Change the camera angles. And turn the bottle into different directions. It was also interesting to arrange the decorative stars into different forms. Or think of gathering the tablecloth just as you like. You always get new and different nice results. So go for it and use other alternative filters aswell!
Alternate photo filters
– apparel fabrics
silk, linen / canvas,
– furnishing fabrics
– different kind of papers
– …
Useful Links
different kinds of fabric – German
different kinds of fabric – English